Tuesday, September 10, 2013

90 Degrees in September? A Brief History in Cleveland

I'll admit it. A few weeks back, I said we were pretty much done with the 90 degree temperatures. Here we are on September 10th and our 7th day above 90 is about to occur. Our forecast high of 92 would be the warmest September high temperature since September 10, 1983...exactly 30 years ago!

Our recent very warm summers have skewed our perceptions of what is considered an average summer. I've written about this multiple times this summer (check my posts from July and August on the Recency Effect).

Some statistical bullet points on September 90 degree temperatures:

*  This year would be the 4th in a row. 

*  Most of the time, 90 degree temperatures in September occur in the first two weeks of the     month. 

*  Only twice in the last 50 years has 90 occurred after September 20th. Once in 1998 and again in 2010.

90 degree heat AFTER September 10th is even more rare...

September heat occurred more frequently in the 1940s and 1950s.

So as you head to high school football games later this week, you can be assured that the 90 degree heat is probably history as we replace the 90s with 60s and 70s on a more frequent basis.

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